


  1. 2022年1月2日,还门牌税 Cukai Harta
  2. 2022年1月9日,还土地税和火险
  3. 2022年1月16日,第一次更换 Bezza 车钥匙电池
  4. 2022年1月26日,农历新年前,去打加强针(booster dose)辉瑞(Pfizer)疫苗
  5. 2022年2月8日,降高血压药
  6. 2022年2月14日,情人节送花给老婆
  7. 2022年2月15日,sold 5027WB Warrants
  8. 2022年3月24日,Submit Claim PERKESO untuk Pekerja Positif Covid-19 di tempat kerja
  9. 2022年3月31日,用手机注册 myASNB app 户口
  10. 2022年4月27日,第一次去我家附近新开的加油站打油
  11. 2022年5月6日,Renew my Public Bank's Debit Card
  12. 2022年5月8日,去普陀村拜送子观音
  13. 2022年5月14日,Major car service for Bezza
  14. 2022年5月22日,Renew Bezza Car Insurance
  15. 2022年5月30日,带老婆去做联名银行户口和更新她的身份证
  16. 2022年6月6日,公共假期,快快从东甲回新山
  17. 2022年6月18日,Replace Gas Hob Battery
  18. 2022年6月18日,第一次在家更换 LED 灯管
  19. 2022年7月2日,第一次教我老婆去4S店定期维修 Myvi 车
  20. 2022年7月9日,我开始派喜帖
  21. 2022年7月16日,第一次在我房间(父母家)的墙上油漆
  22. 2022年7月23日,第一次打开排水管道检修口,来清理排水管阻塞
  23. 2022年7月30日,为 Myvi 车换四粒新轮胎
  24. 2022年8月14日,婚前准备:试穿结婚礼服
  25. 2022年8月27日,婚前准备
  26. 2022年8月29日,婚后第一天
  27. 2022年9月6日,结婚注册纪念日:送老婆一台 Vivo Y35 智能手机
  28. 2022年10月22日,Car service for Bezza
  29. 2022年11月19日,更换 Bezza 车前方左手边的 fog lamp
  30. 2022年12月25日,与老婆的前二房东(Stella)吃午餐
  31. 2022年12月27日,乘坐长途巴士来回新山和吉隆坡
  32. 2022年12月31日,2022年最后一天


  1. 2022年2月19日,第一次去看生育专家
  2. 2022年2月27日,第一次去看泌尿科医生
  3. 2022年3月19日,第二次去看生育专家:Review result of sperm test & blood test
  4. 2022年3月27日,泌尿科复诊
  5. 2022年5月21日,第三次去看生育专家
  6. 2022年5月30日,带老婆去新山私人医院做输卵管通畅检查(HSG)
  7. 2022年7月24日,送老婆去看眼科专科医生
  8. 2022年9月16日,陪老婆去新加坡看眼科医生
  9. 2022年10月1日,第一次去看中医和做背部推拿
  10. 2022年10月9日,第一次做颈椎牵引
  11. 2022年10月15日,第二次去古来看中医
  12. 2022年11月5日,带老婆又去新加坡看眼科医生
  13. 2022年11月10日,Health Screening Packages 2
  14. 2022年11月27日,又去古来看中医
  15. 2022年11月28日,老婆又去新加坡看眼科医生
  16. 2022年12月24日,这次一个人自己去看中医


  1. 2022年1月1日和2日,新一年聚会
  2. 2022年1月23日,老婆生日 和 Fantasy Annual Gathering 2022
  3. 2022年2月7日,除夕至初六
  4. 2022年3月12日,柔佛州选投票日
  5. 2022年4月2日,岳父生忌+清明拜祭
  6. 2022年5月3日,提早庆祝母亲节
  7. 2022年5月20日,终于等到柔佛州政府派发的十公斤白米
  8. 2022年5月28日,Wisty 生孩子前的聚会
  9. 2022年6月19日,庆祝父亲节
  10. 2022年7月11日,提早替母亲庆生
  11. 2022年8月2日,与家人一起在家吃火锅庆祝生日
  12. 2022年8月28日,过门迎娶仪式
  13. 2022年9月17日,Yuki house warming at Greenway Meridin East Pasir Gudang
  14. 2022年10月24日,屠妖节:祭拜岳父
  15. 2022年11月19日,马来西亚第15届全国大选
  16. 2022年12月4日,Wedding dinner of Chin Ling and Clover
  17. 2022年12月26日,Wedding dinner of Leow Chee Huan


  1. 2022年1月8日,父母带大姨,舅舅和舅母去新山的酒楼
  2. 2022年2月13日,新山美食:蜀国印象火锅
  3. 2022年4月24日,五福城大龙燚欢庆店铺重新开张
  4. 2022年5月29日,家里煮咖喱鱼的费用
  5. 2022年6月12日,从 Batu Pahat 出发去东甲吃榴莲
  6. 2022年7月31日,皇后美食:万记吉隆坡福建面
  7. 2022年10月22日,男方女方一起去北京楼吃晚餐
  8. 2022年10月23日,Machap 美食:丽香小食馆 Restaurant Lee Xiong


  1. 2022年1月3日,跌进 longkang
  2. 2022年2月16日,老婆车后面被撞
  3. 2022年2月26日,阴道念珠菌感染
  4. 2022年6月4日,从新山驾车到东甲,塞车五个小时
  5. 2022年10月14日,喉咙不舒服
  6. 2022年11月2日,My parent house have been experiencing water disruption for 4 days


  1. 2022年1月24日,老婆带岳母去马六甲中央医院跟医生预约动膝盖手术
  2. 2022年2月5日,正月初五:岳母家的白猫耳朵感染藓/疥疮(kurap / mange)
  3. 2022年3月10日,送老婆去马六甲中央医院去照顾岳母
  4. 2022年3月14日,接岳母出院照顾
  5. 2022年3月24日,送岳母去斑兰医院拆钉(拆线)
  6. 2022年4月10日,送岳母去斑兰医院做第一次的物理治疗
  7. 2022年4月11日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院复诊
  8. 2022年4月17日,带岳母出门
  9. 2022年4月23日,老婆小姑家的阿妹生女儿
  10. 2022年5月8日,第一次带岳母去看骨科医生
  11. 2022年5月29日,岳母去做物理治疗和去骨科打针
  12. 2022年6月11日,老婆和岳母去 Batu Pahat 探亲
  13. 2022年6月13日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院看骨科医生
  14. 2022年6月19日,岳母在 Hospital Sultan Ismail 做物理治疗
  15. 2022年6月20日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院福利单位提交动手术申请
  16. 2022年7月3日,老婆邮寄结婚请帖和帮岳母买药
  17. 2022年7月17日,岳母去打第二剂加强针疫苗
  18. 2022年8月6日,岳母去马六甲试衣服
  19. 2022年8月7日,老婆和岳母去东甲给中医针灸
  20. 2022年8月15日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院做身体检查
  21. 2022年9月5日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院看医生
  22. 2022年9月18日,送岳母回去
  23. 2022年9月22日,岳母在马六甲中央医院动膝盖手术
  24. 2022年9月26日,去马六甲中央医院,接岳母出院
  25. 2022年10月6日,送岳母去HSI医院拆钉(拆线)
  26. 2022年10月25日,带岳母去马六甲中央医院照 X-ray 和看医生
  27. 2022年10月30日,岳母动左脚的膝盖手术后,去做物理治疗
  28. 2022年11月13日,带岳母去做物理治疗和看中医
  29. 2022年11月21日,送岳母去马六甲中央医院看医生(复诊而已)
  30. 2022年11月24日,老婆带岳母去看新山皮肤专科
  31. 2022年11月27日,岳母耳朵里面发现蜱虫
  32. 2022年12月7日,老婆带岳母去看中医
  33. 2022年12月14日,岳母去新山医院耳科复诊
  34. 2022年12月17日,送岳母回家


  1. 2022年3月4日,我留下脚印的山
  2. 2022年3月10日,第一次去马六甲市中心爬熊山
  3. 2022年3月14日,去马六甲爬 Bukit Beruang
  4. 2022年4月16日,走埔莱山
  5. 2022年5月1日,爬山走去猪头山和 Batu Tenggek
  6. 2022年5月15日,卫塞节:Trans Bukit Botak > Bukit Berdiri > Bukit Payung
  7. 2022年6月5日,第二次走 Asahan 路线上金山
  8. 2022年6月26日,去哥打水晶山游山玩水


  1. 2022年12月11日,Half Marathon for PBIM 2022, RM 86


  1. 2022年10月8日,新山
  2. 2022年10月17日,Kota Tinggi
  3. 2022年10月23日,Jasin
  4. 2022年10月25日,马六甲
  5. 2022年11月5日,新加坡
  6. 2022年11月20日,麻坡
  7. 2022年12月25日,Gelang Patah
  8. 2022年12月26日,吉隆坡


  1. 2022年2月2日,正月初二:马六甲马接峇鲁(Machap Baru)梅花街
  2. 2022年2月6日,正月初六:初次探访臭头山 Bukit Cinta
  3. 2022年5月4日,普陀村 Putuo Village
  4. 2022年7月10日,2D1N at Desaru
    1. Desaru Fruit Farm
    2. Lotus Desaru Beach Resort & Spa
    3. 四湾岛旧码头
    4. 四湾岛龙皇海鲜村 Super Lobster Village at Sungai Rengit
  5. 2022年8月15日,马六甲漂亮唯美的水上清真寺
  6. 2022年10月25日,Visit Malacca
  7. 2022年11月20日,麻坡壁画
  8. 2022年11月28日,陈旭年文化街地标红楼
  9. 2022年12月10日,2D1N at Penang
    1. 槟城极乐寺
    2. Penang War Museum
  10. 2022年12月25日,Visit Forest City
  11. 2022年12月26日,Visit Dataran Merdeka


  1. 2022年2月22日,买房需要准备的12项费用
  2. 2022年3月4日,登山的专用名词:Trans / Loop / Reverse
  3. 2022年3月16日,买车后需要缴交的额外6大费用
  4. 2022年3月26日,埔莱山山脚下的树名
  5. 2022年5月13日,信用卡被盗,怎么办?
  6. 2022年6月9日,Full bore valve & Non-shrink grout
  7. 2022年6月9日,西马半岛环游一圈行程计划
  8. 2022年6月15日,中国历代王朝统治年数
  9. 2022年8月11日,APC Backup Batteries Seminar
  10. 2022年10月28日,Tapered thread: NPT & BSPT
  11. 2022年12月21日,Canon Laser All in One Printer & Fax


  1. 2022年1月4日,我是怎样认识我老婆
  2. 2022年2月14日,老豆买新手提电脑
  3. 2022年2月19日,AOC E970Sw monitor
  4. 2022年3月18日,银行车贷的资料
  5. 2022年4月1日,森林局面试可能会问的问题
  6. 2022年7月5日,写日记是为了忘记
  7. 2022年8月28日,午宴舞台设计费用 和 结婚费用(不包括结婚注册和过大礼)

  1. 211603B issue 2
  2. 211603B issue 3

  6. 2022年12月1日,LEEFORM BERHAD



8:11 am,早餐和老婆去 Johor Jaya 吃明记猪肠粉,RM 24.60


午餐和父母去 Permas Jaya 吃伟记鱼汤,超过 RM 56

午餐后,老豆买7粒猫山王榴莲(超过 RM 400; RM 38 /kg;榴莲来自 Pahang),带回家吃

6 pm,接老婆下班

6:41 pm - 7:22 pm,晚餐和老婆去 Taman Daya 吃日本拉面,RM 33.60


好久没有乘坐长途巴士来回 新山 和 吉隆坡

26 December 2022, Monday

7:37 am - 11:25 am (3 hours 48 minutes), took KKKL Express bus (JSU6299), from Larkin Sentral to TBS (Terminal Bersepadu Selatan) at Bandar Tasik Selatan. Bus fare is RM 38 (book by using golarkin.com.my website)

11:46 am - 12:04 pm (18 minutes), took LRT from Bandar Tasik Selatan to Plaza Rakyat, RM 2.60

12:13 pm, reach Petaling Street 茨厂街

  • 12:33 pm, eat 炭炒福建面(RM 14)at Restaurant Kim Lian Kee
  • 12:44 pm, eat 豆腐花, RM 2.40
  • 12:49 pm, buy Madam Tang Machi Popo, RM 6
  • 1 pm, eat 猪肠粉, RM 5
  • one bottle of 罗汉果, RM 4

1:24 pm - 1:49 pm, went to Dataran Merdeka to take photo

3:20 pm - 3:40 pm (20 minutes), took KTM train from Kuala Lumpur to Kepong, RM 2

Walk from Kepong train station to Sin Choi Wah Restaurant

5 pm - 6 pm, rest at Lotus's Kepong

6 pm - 10 pm, attend wedding dinner of Leow_Chee_Huan & Ling_Ying_Sia at Sin Choi Wah Restaurant

Overnight at Leow house (ABI, 101214_1305201815_16051804011401_0201180120 AF, 1112)

27 December 2022, Tuesday

Took MRT from Metro Prima (> Kwasa Damansara >) to Pasar Seni, RM 3.80 at 10 am

Went to Petaling Street to eat curry chicken noodle (RM 9) & one cup of soya bean drink (RM 2.40 @ 10:38 am)

Took purple line free shuttle bus from Pasar Seni to Bukit Bintang

Took green line free shuttle bus from Bukit Bintang to KLCC

12:10 pm, took picture of KLCC

Took LRT from KLCC (> Masjid Jamek >) to Bandar Tasik Selatan, RM 3.70 at 1:04 pm

2:02 pm - 7:19 pm (5 hours 17 minutes), took Causeway Link bus (JRP258) from TBS to Larkin Sentral. Bus fare is RM 36.50 (book by using TBS-BTS app)

  • 3:21 pm, 224.8 km
  • 3:28 pm, 217.1 km Simpang Ampat
  • 3:43 pm, 195.7 km Ayer Keroh
  • 4:01 pm,  169.1 km Tangkak
  • 5:10 pm, Yong Peng
  • 5:25 pm, Ayer Hitam
  • 5:55 pm, Simpang Renggam
  • 6:17 pm, Sedenak
  • 6:28 pm, Kulai
  • 6:40 pm, Skudai toll
  • 6:47 pm, Skudai Parade
  • 7:19 pm,  Larkin 

Transport Fare: RM 86.60

  • Bus fare: RM 74.50
  • LRT / MRT / Train fare: RM 12.10

Meals: RM 42.80


Attend wedding dinner of Leow_Chee_Huan & Ling_Ying_Sia


时间:6 pm - 10 pm(7:37 pm 上菜)

地点:甲洞孟加拉拉》翠华楼酒家》一楼》福禄厅;Good Fortune Hall (1st Floor) at Sin Choi Wah Restaurant, 22, Jalan 7A / 62A, Bandar Menjalara Kepong, 52200 KL


新娘:林映霞(来自 Sarawak;会针灸)

  1. 精致靓美点 Sweet Fancy Duets
  2. 永结同心宴 Superior Four Seasons
  3. 虫草花鸡汤 Double Boiled Chicken Soup With Cordy Cep Flower
  4. 清蒸龙虎斑 Steamed Dragon Grouper With Soy Sauce
  5. 烧焗黑毛猪排骨 Baked Iberico Pork Ribs
  6. 绍酒灼鲜虾 Poach Prawn With Chinese Wine
  7. 花菇鱼鳔蔬 Braised Mushroom With Fish Maw
  8. 银衣黄金饭 Golden Steamed Rice With Pumpkin 
  9. 百年永好合 Sweetened Lotus Seed With Lily Bulbs

Visit Dataran Merdeka

Date: 26 December 2022, Monday

Time: 1:24 pm - 1:49 pm

Venue: Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur

Dataran Merdeka (独立广场) 是位于马来西亚首都吉隆坡旧城中心的一片草坪广场,周围半环绕着一些具有浓郁的英国殖民时期色彩的建筑。





广场东边,是一座华丽的摩尔风格建筑——Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad (苏丹阿卜杜勒·萨马德建筑)。这个建筑1897年建成,以当时雪兰莪统治者的名字命名,曾经是英国殖民当局的总部。建筑全部用砖石建成,伊斯兰风格的铜色穹顶、马蹄形圆拱以及一个41·2米高的钟楼,属于典型的英国殖民地建筑风格。1974,雪兰莪州政府搬迁后,这里成为了马来西亚最高法院的所在地。目前,马来西亚最高法院也已搬迁。







时间:1:24 pm

地点:Dataran Merdeka




时间:12:31 pm - 1:22 pm

地点:Madam Chan's Kopitiam Taman Pelangi

3个人的午餐:RM 51.80

美食介绍:鸭蛋炒粿条 好吃!

Visit Forest City


时间:10:20 am - 11:20 am

Gelang Patah 的“零”里程碑


时间:9:41 am

地点:Gelang Patah 马路旁的住宅区

Info: to Johor Bahru, 19 km




时间:2:40 pm - 3:57 pm


费用:RM 453

  • 肾保养 RM 188
  • 针灸 RM 37
  • 药 RM 228
4:11 pm - 4:22 pm, Kulai to Skudai toll, RM 1.48

4:27 pm, Kempas toll, RM 1.72


Canon Laser All in One Printer & Fax

Model: Canon imageCLASS MF445dw


  • Duplex Print, Scan, Copy, Fax
  • Print speed: Up to 38 ppm (A4)
  • 5" Colour Touch Screen Panel, 
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • UFR II, PCL 6, PostScript 3, iFax, USB 2.0 High Speed, Network, WIFI, Direct Connection, Native Secure Print, LDAP Address book, Single Pass Duplex Scan, 
  • 250 sheets paper tray, 100 sheets MP Tray, 50 DADF, 550 sheet Optional Paper Feeder, 
  • Monthly Duty Cycle: up to 80,000 pages 
  • Canon PRINT Business, Canon Print Service, AirPrint, Mopria, Application Library 300 Dept ID
  • Toner: CRG 057 (3,100 pages) / CRG 057H (10,000 pages), Starter Cartridge (3,100 pages)
  • Print resolution: Up to 1200 x 1200dpi (equivalent)
  • Cartridge: Canon 057 / 057H Black
  • Three year limited warranty standard

Price:  1813CIBX

Order on 1 December 2022

Received on 21 December 2022



17 December 2022, Saturday

  • 8:06 am, Kempas toll, RM 1.72
  • 8:11 am - 9:48 am (1 hour 37 minutes), Skudai to Tangkak toll, RM 17.38

18 December 2022, Sunday

  • 1:29 pm - 3:18 pm (1 hour 49 minutes), Tangkak to Skudai toll, RM 17.38
  • 3:23 pm, Kempas toll, RM 1.72

Total toll fare: RM 38.20

岳母住我家:278 天 / 少过40个星期 / 9个月(14 March 2022 to 16 December 2022)




时间:8 am

地点:Specialist Otorhinolaryngology Clinic (Ear, Nose & Throat) at Hospital Sultan Ismail

7 am, reach hospital

7:30 am, register with nurse

8 am, Specialist Otorhinolaryngology Clinic open. MIL is the 1st patient

8:51 am, MIL able to see doctor。 Doctor check her ear and nose. Ear no more tick, but runny nose causing nose swollen. Inside nose got nasal mucus. The doctor decide next appointment only clean the dirt inside MIL's ear.

10:48 am, home sweet home


Penang War Museum

Date: 11 December 2022, Sunday

Time: 4:01 pm - 5 pm

Venue: Penang War Museum

Ticket: RM 22 / Malaysian adult


  1. Can take rapid Penang bus 302 to the bus station at the foot of the mountain of war museum. 
  2. The war museum is at the summit of the mountain.
  3. Got mosquito
  4. Not suitable for children to travel (a little bit danger for children)
  5. Never wear slipper to travel, may fall down
  6. Good to visit tunnel
  7. Opening Hours Daily 9 am to 6 pm
  8. EST. 2002, turned the abandoned fortress into the first outdoor living war museum in South East Asia

Once known as Penang Fort, this mighty fortress was built in 1930's by Royal British Engineers. This fortress is located at the south-eastern part of Penang Island on top of Batu Maung Hill.

The British built this fortress as a coastal defence to protect the island against enemies coming from Straits of Malacca. However, the Japanese Imperial Army has managed to capture the whole Malaya during World War II. Penang Fort was turned into prisoners of war camp during the Japanese occupation of 3 years and 8 months.

The fortress was constructed on a 20 acre land, complete with underground bunkers, loading bay, canon firing bays, observation tower, sleeping quaters, cook houses and medical infirmary. Since the day of the surrender of the Japanese, what was once the best kept secret fortress has turned into a hidden monument as it was left abandoned and forgotten for almost 60 years. 

Half Marathon for PBIM 2022

On 7 March 2020, 6:35 am, online register Half Marathon of PBIM

  • Half Marathon Men's Open, RM 70 (Early Bird status)
  • Courier Service, RM 12 (Deliver to Semenanjung Malaysia)
  • Shuttle Bus Service (2 ways), RM 4
  • Net Amount: RM 86

18 March 2020 - 1 November 2021, Movement Control Order implemented by Malaysia government in response o the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to Covid-19, participants who have registered for PBIM2020 would be automatically brought forward to PBIM2022.

For runner register at 2022: 
  • Early bird registration fee for Half Marathon is RM 90 (on 4 April 2022)
  • Free courier for all runners residing within Malaysia
  • Shuttle Bus service, priced at RM 5 per pax for return tickets.
So I totally save RM 9 due to register at year 2020

Credit photo by : Seven Days Photography
Location: Finishing Line for Half Marathon at Queensbay Mall Outdoor 

On 16 November 2022, Wednesday, 11 am, received my race kit through courier service.

On 11 December 2022, Sunday:
  • 1:30 am - 2:06 am, took shuttle bus from Komtar Bus Terminal to Marathon site
  • 3:04 am - 6:59 am, running Half Marathon 21 km in 3 hours 54 minutes (Qualifying Hours: 3 hours 45 minutes)
  • Although I was not able to complete the race within the qualifying time, I still be given medal and finisher t-shirt

On 14 December 2022, Wednesday, PBIM 2022 result is now available! The e-certificate can be downloaded.

4.2KM CheckPoint: 00:55:30
10.3KM CheckPoint: 02:04:36
15.5KM CheckPoint: 03:03:56

CATEGORY RANK: 3283 / 4809
NETT TIME: 03:54:24


槟城 极乐寺


时间:10:59 am - 12 pm

地点:Kek Lok Si Temple,极乐寺

2D1N at Penang

10 December 2022, Saturday

  • 4:22 am - 4:54 am, took Grab car from my apartment to Senai airport, RM 31.72 (Metered fare RM 30 + Toll RM 1.72; 23 km; 32 mins)
  • Having breakfast at Senai airport departure hall's vending machine. Japanese salmon fish rice, RM 15; Hot chocolates drink, RM 6.50 
  • 7 am - 7:55 am, took Air Asia Flight No. AK6412 from Senai airport to Panang airport. (Round-trip ticket: RM 478 @ 6 Apr 2022)
  • 8:23 am - 9:15 am, took bus 401E from Penang airport to jetty, RM 2.70
  • 9:28 am - 10:11 am, took bus 201 from jetty to Kek Lok Si Temple, RM 2
  • 10:30 am - 10:45 am, eating Penang Air Itam Laksa at Pasar Awam Air Itam, RM 5.50
  • 10:59 am - 12 pm, visit Kek Lok Si Temple.
  • 12:43 pm, buy one cup of 凉粉 at Pasar Awam Air Itam, RM 1.80
  • 1:04 pm, took bus 502 from CIMB Bank Ayer Itam to jetty, RM 2
  • 1:30 pm - 2:55 pm, queue up at Mo. 82, Jalan Siam for eating Siam Road 炭烧炒粿条(RM 8.50)and big cup of milo C kosong
  • 3:43 pm, check in Sim cityStay (60, Pengkalan Weld), room G-05
    • RM 75.80 for 1 night. 
    • (Check in 2pm; Check out 12 pm)
    • Got water supply, can refill drinking water
  • 4:10 pm, reach Swettenham Pier Cruise Terminal (SPCT)
    • 4:21 pm, boarding on ferry
    • 4:32 pm - 4:42 pm, took 4:30 pm ferry from George Town to Butterworth.
  • 5 pm, Ooi went to KTM train station to fetch me
  • 5:24 pm - 6:30 pm, visit 北海新芭观音亭斗母宫
    • 5:53 pm, dinner at 仕九信达园 (4385, Jalan Raja Muda, Sin Tat Garden, Butterworth), eating 粿条汤(好吃)
  • Ooi sent me back to Penang Sentral
  • 7:30 pm, go to ferry counter to get free ferry ticket by using my ic.
    • 8:19 pm, boarding on ferry
    • 8:32 pm - 8:45 pm, took 8:30 pm last ferry from Butterworth back to George Town

Remark: 10 December 2022 is my cousin (Lim_Wan_Wen) wedding dinner day at KL.


11 December 2022, Sunday

  • 1 am, wake up
  • 1:30 am - 2:06 am, took shuttle bus from Komtar Bus Terminal to Marathon site (Shuttle Bus service, priced at RM 5 per pax for return tickets)
  • 3:04 am - 6:59 am, running 21 km half marathon for Penang Bridge International Marathon
  • Took shuttle bus back to KOMTAR
  • Took CAT bus from KOMTAR to Jetty
  • Having breakfast at Pengkalan Weld, eating 福建虾面 (RM 5) & Milo ice (RM 2.90)
  • Before 12 pm, check out Sim cityStay
  • 12:04 pm, having lunch at No 107-A, Pengkalan Weld, eating 石斑鱼头米粉(好吃)RM 15 and hot water (RM 0.50)
  • After lunch, took CAT bus from jetty to Wisma MCA
  • 2:24 pm, eating with Ooi at New World Park 新世界 at Jalan Burma (beside Tune hotel), eating 印度鱿鱼炒面 (a little bit spicy for me)
    • 2:55 pm, eating ice kacang with mango, RM 6
  • 4:01 pm - 5 pm, visit Penang War Museum, RM 22 / Malaysian adult
  • Ooi sent me to Penang airport
  • 5:51 pm, buy one bottle of 桃胶 drink inside Penang airport, RM 4.50
  • 7:39 pm - 8:44 pm, took Air Asia Flight No. AK6423 from Penang airport to Senai airport




时间:7 am

地点:Klinik Central, Adda Heights

医药费:RM 63(发炎,咳嗽,鼻塞)


Attending Wedding Dinner of Mr. Lee_Chin_Ling (李进灵)and Miss Clover_Tong(钟秀芬)


时间:7 pm(8 pm 开席)

地点:新山百合花园,新国泰冷气酒家(新山)有限公司 CATHAY RESTAURANT (JB) SDN. BHD. (No. Lot PTD 85473, Jalan Molek 2/4, Taman Molek, 81100 JB)



  • 新郎是长子,家乡来自 Port Dickson,家住 Permas Jaya,在新加坡做工(技术人员)。有三个弟弟和三个妹妹。弟弟们都结婚了。由于他和妹妹都打算今年内结婚,结果妹妹让他这个哥哥先结婚。据说他爸爸在 Port Dickson 拥有40条船供租借人出海抓鱼。
  • 新娘是长女,家乡来自 Kota Masai。据说她父母在家附近开货车到处卖菜。
  • 新郎和新娘都是通过单身交友活动认识对方。

  1. 龙船五福拼盘 Hot & Cold Dish Combination
  2. 蟲草花鱼鳔炖鸡汤 Chicken Soup With Cordyceps Flower Fish Stew
  3. 家乡蒸海石斑鱼 Sea Grouper Fish With Home Style
  4. 妈密排骨拼脆皮烧鸡 Pork Chop W Marmite & Roasted Chicken
  5. 鱼丝千岛虾球 Thousand Island Sauce Prawn
  6. 冬菇十头鲍鱼蔬 Abalone & Mushroom With Vegetable
  7. 扣肉香包 Braised Pork Bun
  8. 百年好合 Dessert



Issue Price: RM 0.23

Listing: 30 November 2022

Opening Date: 26 October 2022

Closing Date: 11 November 2022

Ballot Date: 24 November 2022

Share Alloted: 1100 (100% Success Rate)

IPO Score: 4 

Over subscription: 1.42 times

Market: ACE

Shariah Status: SAC (Yes)

IPO Market Capitalisation (RM million): 340.63

Price Earnings Ratio (PER): 7.7x

Dividend Policy: Leeform endeavours to maintain a payout ratio of not less than 20% of its annual audited net earnings.

iSaham IPO Score: 2/6 (15 May 2023)




时间:1:41 pm

地点:Jalan Tan Hiok Nee, 80000 Johor Bahru





5:30 am,起床


老婆从 Kranji MRT 站,乘坐计程车去到眼科诊所。


9 am - 9:45 am, register at Eye Clinic Jurong;9:05 am,诊所才开

10 am,眼科医生才抵达诊所看病

12:39 pm,老婆抵达马来西亚关卡

12:53 pm,老婆完成入境马来西亚,等待我去接她

12:54 pm,我去新山关卡接老婆回家




时间:4:10 pm - 5:48 pm

地点:Pusat Ubat Tradisional Dan Tabib Wisteria 紫藤中医诊所

费用:RM 1,157

老公:RM 612

  • 针灸 37
  • 肾保养 188 
  • 半个月药 228
  • Black Bull 159

老婆:RM 225
  • 3天药+针灸 127
  • 推拿1小时 98

岳母:RM 320
  • 半个月药 174
  • 药粉 88
  • 蜂蜜 58








带岳母去新山看皮肤专科,让医生把岳母身上的猫跳蚤给拔掉。皮肤科医生已经说了,耳朵里面的跳蚤,她无能为力。需要到耳朵专科,才有工具可以拔掉耳朵里面的跳蚤。看皮肤科费用为 RM 470。皮肤科医生为岳母取出10多粒跳蚤出来。



今天是柔佛州特假(JDT球队 闯入 Piala Malaysia 大马足球杯决赛)

8 am - 8:27 am,去 Klinik Kesihatan Sultan Ismail 领取岳母一个月的药量。

8:44 am - 12:03 pm,岳母去 Hospital Sultan Ismail 先做定期的物理治疗。由于今天是柔佛州特假,耳科没有门诊(只有手术)。于是岳母只好去医院的急诊室排队看医生。急诊室医生也无能为力,只能替岳母喷耳朵药水,希望可以弄死耳朵里面的蜱虫,好日后可以取出蜱虫的尸体。接着我老婆去儿科预约看耳科医生。




8:13 pm - 8:33 pm,送岳母去 Setia Indah 的普通私人诊所。医生无能为力,没方法从岳母耳朵取出蜱虫。门诊费用为 RM 30。

9:31 pm - 2 am,又送岳母去 Hospital Sultan Ismail 挂急诊。排队很久,还是没能看到医生!


Hospital Sultan Ismail 耳科医生从岳母左耳里取出蜱虫。医生说耳朵里面的蜱虫在耳朵里面抓得很紧,好不容易才取出来。至于右耳则没有蜱虫,不过右耳里面有点肮脏,耳科医生为右耳做简单的清理。在取出蜱虫之前,耳科医生为岳母耳朵里面喷点药水,导致岳母有点头晕到下午3点。

Specialist Otorhinolaryngology Clinic (Ear, Nose & Throat)

Location: Level 2

Day / Time: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8 am - 12:30 pm

EXT: 2127




时间:9:30 am

地点:Kilinik Kulit H. P. Seah Sdn. Bhd. (No. 8A, Jalan Harimau, Taman Century, 80250 JB; 07-3327386)

医药费:RM 470 (Consultation + Medicine)




9:43 am,老婆打电话通知我说,岳母身上的小红点其实是被猫跳蚤寄生里面。我马上叫我爸爸拔掉脖子上的跳蚤。




7:51 am, pump petrol at Petronas Ayer Keroh

8:17 am - 8:33 am, MIL went to Malacca General Hospital to see doctor

8:33 am - 8:54 am, went to hospital pharmacy to get medicine for MIL

9 am, fetch MIL and my wife

Buy 6 pcs 娘惹粽 at Malacca (RM 7 x 6 = RM 42)

Having breakfast at 荣茂茶室, eating dim sum, RM 38 @ 9:29 am

10:01 am - 10:56 am (55 minutes), Ayer Keroh to Yong Peng Utara toll, RM 10.91

11:23 am - 11:37 am, eating early lunch at Yuan Yean Fishball Eating House at Yong Peng, RM 26.90

11:47 am - 12:41 pm (54 minutes), Yong Peng Selatan to Skudai toll, RM 9.10

12:45 pm, Kempas toll, RM 1.72


更换 Bezza 车前方左手边的 fog lamp

2022年9月12日,on the way back from work, at Hutan Lipur Panti, my Bezza car LHS fog lamp was hit by part drop from front lorry. The grass cover for fog lamp was broken, but the light still can function.

2022年10月29日,星期六,9:17 am, went SPZ Auto Parts Sdn Bhd (No. 143, Jln Pendekar 2, Tmn Skudai Baru), to buy 充装零件 fog lamp LH for Bezza car, RM 55 (Remark: The original Perodua service center fog lamp quotation is RM 170)

2022年11月19日,星期六,3:30 pm,去东甲更换 Bezza 车前面左手边的 fog lamp。更换 fog lamp 的人工费为 RM 5(友情价)

Total cost: RM 60 = 55 + 5





投票时间:8 am - 6 pm



7:50 am,提早抵达我的母校。

8 am 过后,开始排队去 Dewan Penggawa, Saluran 4 投票

9 am,回到新山住家

9:30 am,从新山出发去马六甲

10:44 am,塞车出到 Skudai tol

12 pm,停在古来休息站的 Shell 油站上厕所

1:01 pm,去 Machap R&R Petronas 油站打油。

2 pm,去永平吃午餐

2:13 pm,从永平出发去马六甲

3:30 pm,去东甲更换 Bezza 车前面左手边的 fog lamp

4:30 pm,我老婆和岳母在她们家乡的国中完成投票。岳母去 Saluran 1 课室投票;老婆去 Saluran 3 课室投票。投票室外她们遇到马来姑姑,马来姑姑的女儿,小姑的女儿和卖早餐的 Ah Tan。

晚餐去东甲的香园海鲜餐馆,五个人的晚餐费用是 RM 138

  • 鱼头炉,RM 69
  • 炒番薯叶,RM 12
  • 佛钵排骨王,RM 30
  • 炸苏东,RM 22
  • 5人白饭,RM 5

Hassan Abdul Karim from Pakatan Harapan win P.159 Pasir Gudang

大选第2天凌晨大概4:30 am,才能知道所有大选成绩



带岳母去 做物理治疗 和 看中医


8:15 am - 9:17 am,岳母在 Hospital Sultan Ismail 做物理治疗。

11 am - 1:40 pm,我带老婆和岳母去紫藤中医诊所 Pusat Ubat Tradisional dan Tabib Wisteria, RM 1,404

  • 老公 RM 520
    • 中药半个月 RM 198
    • 肾保养 RM 188
    • 针灸 RM 37
    • 益味汤 RM 97
  • 老婆 RM 555
    • 中药半个月 RM 260
    • 按摩+针灸 RM 198
    • 益味汤 RM 97
  • 岳母 RM 329
    • 肩周炎1个星期  RM 97
    • 夜尿/补肾半个月 RM 174
    • 针灸/推 RM 58


Health Screening Packages 2

Date: 10 November 2022, Thursday

Venue: KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital

7:38 am, driving from my apartment to KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital

Parking car at 4th floor.

8:25 am, reach premier screening & wellness centre

Operation Hours:

  • Monday to Friday - 8:30 am to 5 pm
  • Saturday - 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
  • Sunday - Closed
  • Lunch Time - 1 pm to 2 pm
  • Direct line / Fax no.: 07-2253195

8:30 am, register for Health Screening Package 2. RM 6 cash voucher for breakfast was given to me by nurse.

8:44 am, went to Room 54 [Diagnostic Imaging & Laboratory Services] to get number for:

  • chest X-Ray & ultrasound at Diagnostic Imaging Services
  • blood screening at Laboratory Services 
8:49 am, the nurse taking blood sample from me.
Remark: the report for Blood & Urine Screening will be ready after 3 hours of taking sample.

9:11 am, went to X-RAY Room 3 to do the chest X-ray.

9:22 am = 9:28 am, let the doctor do the ultrasound for me.

After ultrasound, I provide my urine sample to Laboratory Services for testing.

9:33 am, went to Room 2-02 [Internal Medicine]. The nurse measured my weight (82.1 kg), height (173 cm) and blood pressure. Before proceeding with the stress test (treadmill), the hospital need me signed consent.

9:41 am, went to Room 50 [Special Diagnostic Centre] to do the stress test (treadmill).

10:40 am, I put the stress test report in my car.

10:44 am, eating late breakfast at hospital. My breakfast was nasi lemak & hot tea, which cost me RM 6.50 (pay by RM 6 voucher and 50 cents in cash)

After breakfast, I went back to Room 54, but my report for ultrasound not yet ready.

11 am - 11:35 am, walk from KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital to Kedai Makan Tua Thow (大头)

11:38 am - 11:49 am, having lunch at Kedai Makan Tua Thow (大头), RM 14

11:49 am - 12:10 pm, walk from 大头 back to KPJ through Hutan Bandar MBJB

12:16 pm, collect my stress report in my car. Then, went to Room 54 to collect my report for chest X-Ray & ultrasound.

12:26 pm, went to see my consultant physician, Dr Diong Kok Hui at room 2-02

12:47 pm, go to in-front clinic to pay RM 584.45 for the health screening fees. 

12:59 pm, pay hospital's parking fee (RM 5) by using TnG card.

12:54 pm - 1:56 pm, travel from KPJ to factory.





7:59 am, we took CW 1 bus from JB CIQ to Kranji MRT station. Bus fare is RM 2.60 per person.

I spend one hour to clear Woodlands check point to enter Singapore.

9:31 am, top up S$ 20 for my EZ link card at Kranji.

We took MRT from Kranji to Tanjong Pagar. S$ 2.06 @ 10:20 am

Having brunch at Cafe Kreams (32, Maxwell Road, #01-07, Maxwell Chamber), S$ 74.74 @ 11:16 am

After brunch, took MRT from Tanjong Pagar to Raffles Place. S$ 0.95 @ 11:30 am

11:38 am - 11:55 am, went to The Fullerton Hotel Singapore, to visit Singapore Mile Zero 

12 pm, took MRT from Raffles Place to Jurong East. S$ 1.72 @ 12:36 pm

12:45 pm, took 334 bus from Jurong East to Eye Clinic Jurong. S$ 0.16 @ 12:48 pm

1:05 pm, my wife went to see doctor at Eye Clinic Jurong, S$ 118.80

Went to opposite of Eye Clinic Jurong, took 98 bus back to Jurong East. S$ 0.09 @ 1:35 pm

Shopping Westgate & JEM. 
2:45 pm, my wife buy 8 pcs egg tart at Tai Cheong Bakery, S$ 22.20

Took MRT from Jurong East to Kranji. S$ 1.59 @ 3:12 pm

3:28 pm - 4:05 pm, took 170X bus from Kranji to JB CIQ. S$ 0.21

4:09 pm, exit JB CIQ

4:45 pm, father went to JB CIQ to fetch us.

Transportation fare: RM 2.60 + S$ 6.78


Date: 5 November 2022, Saturday

Time: 11:38 am - 11:55 am

Venue: Singapore Mile Zero at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore

The Fullerton Building marks the position of Mile Zero, adopted circa 1909 as the origin of all road distances in Singapore.

Mile Zero refers to the point in a city from which all addresses take their bearings. While the General Post Office was operational at the Fullerton Building, it was Singapore's "Mile Zero".

In Singapore, all roads lead to Fullerton Hotel, where this Mile Zero marker is located.
Way before developed proper roads and invent the comprehensive maps, people measured landmarks and districts of Singapore by the distances (miles) across Singapore by taking the then General Post Office as the "zero-point".

To North(往北)

0 mile > 7 miles, Bukit Timah > 10 miles, Bukit Panjang > 15 miles, Woodlands

0 mile > 5 miles, Thomson > 12.5 miles, Chong Pang

To West(往西)

0 mile > 7 miles, Bukit Timah > 18 miles, Tuas

0 mile > 7 miles, Bukit Timah > 10 miles, Bukit Panjang > 16 miles, Choa Chu Kang

0 mile > 2 miles, Orchard Road > 3.5 miles, Napier Road (Botanic Gardens) > 5 miles, Holland Road > 6 miles

0 mile > 7.5 miles, Pasir Panjang > 10/11 miles

The major roads are clearly marked on this milestone.
Orchard Road is 2 miles away,
Bukit Timah , 7 miles away and
Bukit Panjang at 10 miles away.

In the past, if someone got onto a private hire and tell the driver to take him to 7 miles, he would arrive at his destination, Bukit Timah.

This also explains why there is a mall in Bukit Panjang named Junction 10. It was formerly known as Ten Mile Junction because of its location.

To East(往东)

0 mile > 3 miles, Geylang > 14 miles, Changi

0 mile > 6 miles, Hougang > 7.5 miles, Upper Serangoon (Kangkar) > 11 miles

1 mile = 1.609 km


My parent house have been experiencing water disruption for 4 days

No water supply period: from 29 October 2022 (Saturday) to 1 November 2022 (Tuesday)

Reason: Pipe burst in Seri Alam; work repairing burst pipe in Seri Alam prolonged after landslide.

On 2 November 2022 (Wednesday) morning, my parent house's water supply resumed.




7:50 am,送岳母去 Hospital Sultan Ismail

8:15 am - 9:57 am,岳母在 Hospital Sultan Ismail 做物理治疗。这次由专业的巫裔女护士为岳母细心做物理治疗。

10:10 am - 10:34 am,老婆去 Klinik Kesihatan Sultan Ismail 为岳母拿药。

12:50 pm - 1:30 pm,从我新山住家去古来中医诊所,需要花40分钟的路程。

1:30 pm - 3:32 pm,我,老婆和岳母去古来紫藤中医诊所求医,RM 1,077

  • 我,RM 385(半个月药 288 +益味汤 97)
  • 老婆,RM 545(子宫卵巢保养 188 +半月药 260 +益味汤 97)
  • 岳母,RM 147(5天药)



Tapered thread: NPT & BSPT

NPT = National Pipe Taper

NPT is a U.S. standard for tapered threads widely used on pipes and fittings for over 100 years.

NPT = US & Canada, oil & gas

NPT = expensive (eg. SS304 Reducing Socket 1" to 1/2 inch female thread, RM 48)

BSPT = British Standard Pipe Taper

BSPT is common in Malaysia, Australia and the commonwealth countries, especially ball valve, nipple and pressure gauge

BSPT = cheapest (eg. SS304 Reducing Socket 1" to 1/2 inch female thread, RM 14)

NPT thread is angled at 60 degrees while 

BSPT is angled at 55 degree.

NPT & BSPT for 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch is almost same.

Remark: Never screw NPT into BSPT together


Visit Malacca

Date: 25 October 2022, Tuesday

Time: 8:16 am - 10 am

Jonker Street

荷兰红屋 Stadthuys

Christ Church Melaka

Tugu Pengisytiran Tarikh Kemerdekaan


A Famosa 古城门

Church of Saint Paul, Malacca


Pengumuman Kemerdekaan Di Padang Banda Hilir, Melaka

20 Februari 1956 - Pengumuman Kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu telah diumumkan oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman sebaik sahaja tiba di Banda Hilir, Melaka. Pada 18 Januari 1956 Rombongan Merdeka yang diketuai oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra telah berlepas ke London untuk mengadakan rundingan dengan pihak Inggeris.

Rombongan Merdeka turut disertai oleh empat wakil perikatan dan empat wakil Raja-Raja Melayu. Rombongan kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu telah berjaya mendapatkan persetujuan kerajaan British untuk memberikan kemerdekaan kepada Tanah Melayu setelah berunding selama tiga minggu.

Perjanjian Kemerdekaan Tanah Melayu telah ditandatangani oleh YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra bagi pihak kerajaan Tanah Melayu dan Encik Alan Lennox-Boyd, Setiausaha Tanah Jajahan British bagi pihak kerajaan British pada 8 Februari 1956 di Lancaster House, London. 

Independence Announcement at Padang Banda Hilir, Melaka

20th February 1956 - The announcement of the Federation of Malaya's impending independence was announced by YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra soon after arriving at Banda Hilir, Melaka. Earlier, on 18th January 1956 the Merdeka (Independence) Delegation led by Tunku Abdul Rahman himself had left for London to hold talks with the British.

The delegation was also accompanied by four Alliance representatives and four representatives of the Malay Rulers. The Independence Delegation of Malaya secured the agreement of the British government to grant independence to Malaya after discussions over three weeks.

The Independence Agreement of Malaya was signed by YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra on behalf of the Government of Malaya and by Mr Alan Lennox-Boyd, the British Colonial Secretary, on behalf of the British government on 8th February, 1956 at Lancaster House, London. 



时间:8:46 am


LONDON: 10632 KM
LISBON: 11699 KM

LISBON,里斯本,是葡萄牙 首都 和 最大城市。





MEKAH: 6550 KM






带岳母去马六甲中央医院 照 X-ray 和看医生


8 am - 10:02 am, MIL scan x-ray and see doctor at Malacca General Hospital

I eat breakfast at Malacca city. 炒老鼠粉 RM 7;Milo C Kosong RM 2.60

8:16 am - 10 am, visit Jonker Street, Christ Church Melaka, Melaka 0 Mile, A Famosa, tugu pengisytiharan tarikh kemerdekaan

10:30 am, went to Malacca General Hospital to fetch MIL

Went to Bukit China Soya Bean (branch) at Lorong Bukit Cina to buy 7 bowls 豆腐花 & one bottle soya drink, RM 22

Eating early lunch with MIL, my wife and 丽婷 (Prudential insurance agent) at LIMBEH BAKUTEH 林北的汤-肉骨茶 at Lot 199, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Kampung Bukit China, Melaka, 四个人的午餐:RM 69.50

2:03 pm, pump RM 51.38 petrol at Petronas Tangkak.

2:09 pm - 3:51 pm (1 hour 42 minutes), Tangkak to Skudai toll, RM 17.38 (Remark: raining)

3:56 pm, Kempas toll, RM 1.72




Public Holiday: Deepavali

8 am,去 岳母家附近的 Ah Tan 吃早餐,RM 31。(2人份白饭,sambal 鱿鱼,咖喱鸡腿,咖喱羊肉,3片印度煎饼,2杯奶茶)

早上我和我老婆去东甲推拿,RM 100


  • 半只烧鸡,烧肉,包,糯米鸡,菜,肉骨茶,发糕,3碗白饭,3杯茶,3杯白酒
  • 烧香拜拜
  • 祭拜过后,烧金银纸