12:25 pm - 12:28 pm, first time went to MBJB Pejabat Jalan Dato Onn to pay one year cukai harta, RM 118.80
12:59 pm - 1:02 pm, went to MC office to pay RM 205.40 for:
- monthly maintenance fee, RM 100
- fire insurance for year 2023, RM 39.70
- Quit Rent for year 2023, RM 65.70
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, shopping at Sutera Mall
5:29 pm, went to Plaza Tasek at Taman Ungku Tun Aminah to buy 4 sets of working shirt with pocket (RM 119.60 = RM 29.90 x 4 pcs)
- Parking fee: RM 2 per entry
5:45 pm - 6:19 pm, dinner with my wife at Fish Tomato Noodle (Tun Aminah), RM 43