- 2:30 pm, travel from Masai to Seremban
- 6:13 pm, check in Sri Senawang Hotel, Room 237
- Eating dinner at 芙蓉烧蟹
- 11:30 pm, sleep
17 February 2019, Sunday(正月十三)
- 4:30 am, wake up
- 5 am, morning call
- Breakfast at Syed Maju Restaurant
- 6:30 am, reach trail head of Gunung Berembun
- 7:30 am, briefing by mountain guide.
- Doing warm up and take group photo before hiking.
- 7:50 am, start hiking.
- 8:40 am, crossing river.
- 9:38 am, reach CP1 - Gua Kambing
- 11:04 am, reach summit of Gunung Berembun, 1,014 m
- Free and Easy, taking lunch and CNY celebration(捞生)
- 11:30 am, continue trekking
- 12:52 pm - 1:09 pm, reach aircraft crashed area at Gunung Telapak Buruk
- Give up hiking another mountain (Gunung Telapak Buruk, 1,193 m)
- Return back to summit of Gunung Berembun
- Return back to CP1 - Gua Kambing
- 5:45 pm, return back to starting point
- 6:45 pm, eating dinner at Restoran Bo Kee And You 芙蓉波仔鱼头米
- 10:49 pm, home sweet home
Hiking Information:
- Good weather
- Hiking Cost: RM 65 / Paxs (inclusive: mountain guide, sweeper, 2 way radio, basic medical support)
- Home stay: RM 50 / Paxs
- Hiking Level: Moderate
- Duration: Day Hike
- Transportation: Carpooling
- State: Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
- 山上有山蛭,在 Gua Kambing 那一带。休息时,不要把背包放在地上,也不要随便坐,幸运的话,山蛭就上了。(记得带白醋或盐上山驱赶山蛭)
- 要带登山杖,帮助下山保护膝盖。
- 爬山途中需要过河,爬山最好穿 Kampung Adidas 塑胶登山鞋 和 防水袜
- 爬山需要手脚并用。
- 过了 Gua Kambing 以后,就要一直以45度的斜度上山。要放慢速度,脚步小,不要跨大,就不会那么气喘。不要追前面的人,跟着自己的速度走,就轻松上山啦!
- 爬这座山有可能会脚抽筋,记得带舒缓脚抽筋的喷雾药水。
Gunung Telapak Buruk
B-24 Liberator Wreck at Gunung Telapak Buruk
The remains of this RAF plane and its crew were lost for decades, nearly engulfed by the Malaysian jungle.
On a rain forested mountain top in Malaysia, not far from Kuala Lumpur, lies the wreckage of a Royal Air Force B-24 Liberator. World War II had ended only a few days before the British aircraft disappeared, lost while dropping supplies for resistance fighters in the remote jungles of Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. It was more than a thousand miles from its base in the Cocos Islands.
Less than a week after the surrender of Japan, a crew of eight was sent on a mission to the Malay Peninsula to drop supplies, search for POW camps, and perhaps to even drop leaflets announcing the end of the War. There was no distress signal, no indication of trouble --- but the plane disappeared, thought to have gone down in the ocean.
Forty six years later, a remote wreckage site was reported by local Orang Asli tribesmen. The wreck may have first been spotted in the 1950s, but those reports are sketchy and, if true, were never acted on. (At the time, fear of an ambush by Communist insurgent may have been a factor.) When the locals came to the authorities in 1991, it was thought the plane might be the missing RAF tail# KL654/R, but expeditions to examine the site didn't begin until 2006.
In 2009, British and Malaysian volunteers excavated the area, uncovering the remains and some personal effects of the eight-man crew. In 2012 they were laid to rest at a special ceremony at the Cheras War Cemetery in Kuala Lumpur.
The wreck, while spread over a large area, is well preserved, including sections of the wings, the fuselage, the engine, and even some faint markings. Although located in thick virgin jungle, it's a popular destination for hiking groups. There is abundant wildlife, including siamang gibbons, and --- although the species has been declared extinct on the Peninsula --- Sumatran rhinos have been rumored to check the site out too.
Know Before You Go
The wreck is located on the mountain called Gunung Telapak Buruk, about an hour's drive south of Kuala Lumpur. There are two hiking routes to the wreck, the northern route is shorter, but requires a four wheel drive to get to the trail head. The southern route is longer and more challenging -- about a 20 km round trip through rugged terrain crossing Gunung Berembun, and the trail starts near the village of Kampung Pantai Baharu.
There are several hiking groups that arrange visits to the site, and the trail itself, once located, is well marked and regularly used.
资料显示,占据马来亚的日军宣布投降后,这批空军成员在返回祖国前进行最后一次执勤。1945年8月23日当天,隶属英国皇家空军(Royal Air Force, RAF)356号的8名英国空军,乘搭[R]号军机于早上10时半出发,从澳洲可可斯岛出发到马来亚中部空投救援品时失去联系。
飞机残骸是在森美兰州芙蓉 16公里外的瓜拉比拉森林内,被当地原住民于 1991年发现后向大马皇家空军禀报。经过多次的探索后,终于在 2007年1月发现有刻有“KL654 解放者号”的引擎刻版,获得英国国防部确认是上述军机的残骸。
大马官方截至 2008年的探索并没有实质发现,国防部最终放弃进一步调查。随后2009年7月由英国人组成的私人探险队在部分大马人的陪同下重回坠机现场探索,才成功挖掘出63块人类骨骸及 18块疑似人类骨骸,还有身份证明于刻有名字的戒指,经过大马鉴证专家验证后,确认是 KL654 机组人员的遗骸,实际证实机上所有军人全部丧生。
飞机残骸是在森美兰州芙蓉 16公里外的瓜拉比拉森林内,被当地原住民于 1991年发现后向大马皇家空军禀报。经过多次的探索后,终于在 2007年1月发现有刻有“KL654 解放者号”的引擎刻版,获得英国国防部确认是上述军机的残骸。
大马官方截至 2008年的探索并没有实质发现,国防部最终放弃进一步调查。随后2009年7月由英国人组成的私人探险队在部分大马人的陪同下重回坠机现场探索,才成功挖掘出63块人类骨骸及 18块疑似人类骨骸,还有身份证明于刻有名字的戒指,经过大马鉴证专家验证后,确认是 KL654 机组人员的遗骸,实际证实机上所有军人全部丧生。
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《星洲日报 SIN CHEW DAILY》, 25.2.2019 星期一,“大柔佛社区报”,第15页 |