
走 海边路,上 Gunung Arong 山,探访 爱心湾

4:30 am,起床。

6:30 am - 7:30 am,在 Kota Tinggi 吃早餐。

  • 炒菜头糕,RM 4.50
  • 朱肠粉(两条),RM 2
  • Milo C kosong 和 两粒半生熟鸡蛋,RM 4.40

7:45 am - 9:45 am,从 Kota Tinggi 出发去 Teluk Gorek。
离开 Mersing 以后,走另外一条路(Air Papan 路)去 Teluk Gorek 海边。

10 am,开始从海边出发。


12:30 pm,抵达 Gunung Arong 山顶。发现山顶上的休息亭已经被拆毁!只好随便在山顶上找一个空地休息。

Gunung Arong 山顶上的休息亭已经被拆毁!

2 pm,开始从山顶上下山。


3 pm,下到山脚下的海边。

4 pm,抵达 Teluk Gorek 海边的停车处。

4:30 pm - 5 pm,去 Teluk Gorek 附近的 camp site 冲凉。使用营地设备的费用是 RM 2。

5 pm - 5:30 pm,从 Teluk Gorek 出发去 Mersing 市中心。

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm,去 乐园冷气海鲜酒楼(Mersing Seafood Restaurant) 吃晚餐。晚餐费用为一个人 RM 18。地址是 No. 56, Jalan Ismail, 86800 Mersing, Johor. Tel: 07-7992550


6:30 pm,从 Mersing 启程回新山。

9:20 pm,回到家。


Bowling Bonding

Organised by IEM (Southern Branch) Young Engineers Section

Date: 27 October 2018, Saturday

Time: 8 pm - 9 pm

Venue: Daiman Bowl, Johor Jaya

Fee: RM 10 per person
  • Adult - RM 7.10 / game
  • Shoe Rental - RM 2.40 / pair



有些英文错误并不是文法错误,而是老外真的不会那么说。这类错误我们统称叫做“Culture based mistake”文化性错误。文化性错误最不好教,也最难学,因为英文文法上看不出来有何不妥。要避免这类错误,只有透过持续演练,聆听,观察,比较,再加上有人不断提醒。


1. (X)     Yes, I like. 是的,我喜欢。
(O)     Yes, I like it.

“I like”后面应该要说明你到底喜欢什么东西,像是“Yes, I like the music”或者“Yes, I like it.”。
Like 在这里是及物动词,或者,你就可以用助动词代替“like”,改称“Yes, I do”,才符合文法习惯。

2. (X)     I don't hope so. 希望不要。
(O)     I hope not.

中文“我不这么认为”,英文说成“I don't think so.”
想当然尔,有人就说“I don't hope so.”

  • A: Will he be late again? 他又会迟到吗?
  • B: I hope not. 我希望他不会。

3. (X)      Your hair is special. 你的发型很特别!
(O)      Your hair looks great!

Special 中文意思是特别的,但是西方人经常用“special”指纪念性的日子或东西或点餐时候,餐厅里有 today's special。见了个很选的头发,说它很特别,真的是独一无二,就用“unique”。一般称赞别人的头发,直接说:Your hair looks great! 

4. (X)     I go first. 我先走。
(O)     I have to go.
(O)     I got to go.

在“Goodbye”之前,你可以说“I have to go.”或不那么正式,就用轻松一点 I got to go.
你说“I go first”, 人家会想谁是 second,摸不着头绪。

5. (X) You go first. 你先走。
(O) After you.

这句和前句很像,进大门或进电梯,礼貌起见,我们让对方先走,或者点餐和别人同时到,有人会直说“You go first.” 意思是“你先吧”,原来是好意,但这话听在老外耳里会有刺耳,因为这是个祈使语句,听起来像个命令,那该怎么说才礼貌呢?老外说 After you.


Health Screening Packages 2

7 am, wake up

7:30 am - 8:20 am, on the way from my house to KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital.

8:30 am, Premier Screening & Wellness Centre open.
I am the first person to register, the nurse told me to wait aside. While waiting aside, I felt weird that the person queuing behind me are doing the medical check up before me. Eventually, the nurse have forgotten me and keep apologize to me. Then, the nurse measured my weight (82 kg) and height (173 cm). RM 6 cash voucher for breakfast was given to me by nurse.

9:13 am, went to Room 54 to get number for chest X-Ray, blood screening & ultrasound.

9:25 am, I do the chest X-ray.

9:32 am, the nurse taking blood sample from me.

10:04 am - 10:15 am, let the doctor do the ultrasound for me.
After ultrasound, I provide my urine sample for testing.
Went to room 2-02 to get approval for treadmill.

10:30 am, eating late breakfast at hospital. My breakfast is egg & sausage noodle soup, which cost me RM 8 (pay by RM 6 voucher and RM 2 in cash).

11 am - 11:25 am, went to room 50 to do the stress test (treadmill).
During stress test, the nurse told me that all the car illegal parking outside hospital just received a summons.

After treadmill, I collect my report for ultrasound and chest x-ray.
Went to room 2-02, the nurse told me that the report for Blood & Urine Screening  not yet ready, so I made appointment with Dr Diong's nurse, that I will be back at 12:30 pm.

12:50 pm, I went to room 2-02 to see my consultant physician, Dr Diong Kok Hui.
(Remark: 1 pm - 2pm, is the lunch hour for doctor & nurse at room 2-02)

1:04 pm, go to in-front clinic to pay RM 584.45 for the health screening fees.

Remark: Parking fee at hospital is RM 5.


Attending Chu_en Ka_ng & Quen_nezy wedding dinner

Date: 14 October 2018, Sunday

Time: 6:30 pm - 11:30 pm


Dress Code 着装: Suit Up 西装 & Evening Gown 晚装

  • Starter 精美双拼: 波士顿龙虾钳沙律 伴 伊比利亚黑猪叉烧 Duo of Boston Lobster Claw Salad and Sweet BBQ Iberico Pork
  • Soup: 黑松露野生松菇花胶炖鸡汤 Double Boiled Chicken Soup (with Black Truffle, Matsutake and Supreme Fish Maw)
  • Main: 干煎式利鳕鱼 Deep Fried Chilean Cod Fish
  • Main: 黄焖波斯顿龙虾 伴 炭烧伊比利亚黑猪排 Braised Boston Lobster in Yellow Supreme Stock and Charcoal-grilled Iberico Pork Ribs
  • Main: 小甜品 Palate Cleanser
  • Main: 龙虾港式泡饭 Stewed Boston Lobster in Hong Kong Style Congee
  • Dessert 三味甜品: 抹茶芋香饼  杞子菊花冻  椰子布丁 Trio of Matcha Taro Cake, Wolfberry Chrysanthemum Jelly and Coconut Pudding


去 Pulau Tioman 爬 Gunung Kajang 山

刁曼岛(Pulau Tioman)虽然闻名于潜水天堂,但其实除了下海,还可以上山喔!Gunung Kajang 是马来半岛 海岛 最高峰,高度仅仅是海拔 1,038 m,位于 Pulau Tioman 岛的中心,可以从 Kampung Paya 登山。想要攀爬这座刁曼岛最高峰,需要有良好的体能,因为需要长时间徒步。而且去Gunung Kajang 的登山路线错综复杂,一定要请山导带路!


爬 Gunung Kajang 活动详情:
时间:8:45 am - 11:45 pm
这次主办爬 Gunung Kajang 活动平台:Fantasy Adventure
爬山费用:RM 355(山导 + 来回船票 + 海洋公园保育费 + 两晚露营场地费)
难度:难度 同 金山 相等。适合有时常爬山者
山导:Lambak & Team(7位当地山导)

Group Photo at Mother Willow




  • 爬山时,要看好周围环境,不要随便用手抓树。因为有些是漆树,会造成皮肤敏感;又或者有很多树枝都长满刺。
  • 至于山蛭方面,是避无可避的,多多少少一定会有几只山蛭在身体的某个部位吸血。唯一能做的是带上白醋或盐


我的食物:一大包 KitKat 巧克力,3L 饮用水,1L 100 PLUS 运动饮料

我的穿着:一件 T-shirt,一条底裤,一条运动裤,透气袖套,防水袜子,Kampung Adidas 塑胶登山鞋,遮阳鸭嘴帽(没用到)

Water point 休息

5:30 am, 起床,上厕所,冲凉。
7 am,走去码头附近吃早餐。
7:45 am,准备爬山的东西。收拾营帐和个人物品。把不必要带上山的东西寄放在某个地点。
8:30 am,专心聆听山导的登山前 briefing。
8:45 am,开始登山乐。
9:05 am,抵达 Mother Willow。
12:15 pm,抵达最后水源处 water point。
4:10 pm,到达顶峰。补充能量兼拍照时间。
5:15 pm,开始从山顶下山。
11:45 pm,回到营地,吃宵夜,沐浴和休息。

Messy Stone

第二天一早,去码头附近吃早餐。早餐过后,大家纷纷在各自的帐篷里准备收拾爬山的装备,把不必要带上山的东西放置在山导安排的某个地点。然后大家就轻装出发离开 Kampung Paya 营地,往今天的目的地出发。早上9点前我们登山队和山导们,一共22人浩浩荡荡登山去,从营地到山顶的路程大约7小时。大概是这山比较少人来探索,山林小径看起来很荒芜,而且丛林密布。据这批山导们说,距离他们上一次手上带的人爬这座山已经是在今年6月份的事情了!而且值得注意的是 Gunung Kajang 的山导并不多。少人进出路径基本上于茂密的丛林差不多,没请山导根本完全无法辨别方向,也需要一定的开路工具才能继续前进。一路上我们前进缓慢,因为要等前方的山导用 Parang 刀为我们开路。途中我们经过 Mother Willow, water point, Messy Stone 和 City Wall 的悬崖峭壁。我们得越过荒野丛林,路上有倒树挡路,砖过重叠的大型巨石以及山洞,再跨过山势险峻,还要靠平衡感才能越过的独木桥,和一些攀岩。但是在7位山导的协助下,加上各个队友之间的默契和团队精神,15位登山客全数攻顶成功。眼看天色开始阴暗,我们拍够了照片就准备下山。天黑时,我们都拿出头灯带上。由于天黑的关系,我们被山导带错几次路。山导要求我们大家走在一起,不要分开,以免大家走散,不小心在森林里迷路。大约在凌晨12点前,我们就回到了山脚的营地,肚子也开始打鼓了~

在山顶上煮 Maggi 面

Gunung Kajang 攻顶成功!

红卡写着 “Will You Marry Me?” (帮山友在 Gunung Kajang 山顶上求婚)


3D2N at Pulau Tioman

Total Expenses: RM 572 (RM 350 + RM 5 + RM 15 + RM 10 + RM 9 + RM 18 + RM 9 + RM 80 + RM 26 + RM 50)

Group photo at Mersing jetty

Day 1: 5 October 2018, Friday

  • 4 am, wake up
  • 6 am, assemble at Today's Mall, Ulu Tiram
  • 6:30 am, set off from Ulu Tiram to Mersing
  • 7:40 am, eating breakfast at Mersing
  • 9 am, upon arrival at jetty, proceed to Mersing Harbour Centre Counter R22 to collect ferry ticket. Pay RM 5 for Marine Park Conservation Fee
  • 10:15 am - 12:10 pm, taking ferry from Mersing to Pulau Tioman
  • 12:30 pm, set up tent at the camp site of Paya Village
  • 2 pm, eating lunch at Antie Paya Restaurant. (干炒牛河 RM 12; 罐装汽水 RM 3)
  • 3 pm, eating burger special near jetty, RM 5. 
  • Buy 2 bottle of 1.5 liter drinking water, RM 5 (2 x RM 2.50)
  • 5:30 pm, cooked maggi mee at camp site as early dinner
  • Sleep earlier

Set up tent at the camp site of Paya Village

Day 2: 6 October 2018, Saturday

  • 12:30 am, raining 
  • 5:30 am, wake up 
  • 7 am, eating breakfast near jetty. (Nasi lemak RM 4; Burger special RM 5)
  • 8:30 am, briefing by mountain guide before hiking
  • 8:45 am, start hiking Gunung Kajang
  • 4:10 pm, reach the summit of Gunung Kajang
  • 5:15 pm, start descent
  • 11:45 pm, reach camp site

Day 3: 7 October 2018, Sunday

  • 12:30 am, eating supper at Pertama Seafood Restaurant. (Chicken Chop, RM 18)
  • 2 am, sleep
  • 6:30 am, wake up
  • 7 am, eating breakfast near jetty. (Nasi lemak RM 4; Burger special RM 5)
  • 8:30 am - 9 am, pack tent
  • 10:45 am - 1 pm, snorkelling activity (RM 80 / pax)
  • 1:30 pm - 1:50 pm, eating lunch at Tekek Village. SEA VIEW CHINESE RESTAURANT 海景中餐海鲜楼. Lunch cost each person RM 26.
  • 3:30 pm - 6 pm, taking ferry from Pulau Tioman to Mersing
  • 7 pm - 8:30 pm, having dinner at MERSING LUCKY RESTAURANT 新好运海鲜饭店
  • 10:30 pm, home sweet home 
Group photo at Pulau Tioman jetty

Photo taken at boat




地点:Leva Leur Cafe & Trading @ JomMakanLambak (110, Jalan Sierra Perdana 4/1, Taman Sierra Perdana, 81750 Masai, Johor)

时间:2 pm


  • 2018年9月4日,沙巴神山攻顶成功
  • 2018年9月9日,Panti Skyrunner 30 km 团体赛入围前十名
费用:一个人 RM 55




从 黑白色(2017年) 变成 有颜色的(2018年)。