

C1S (Coated one side board) 单粉咭:
  • 单粉咭是澳门和香港那边的叫法,在中国南方叫单铜纸,北方叫白卡纸,实际上,这3种叫法都是指同一种纸,正式名称是【单面涂布铜板纸】,以广东为例,简称,单铜纸
  • 白卡也是单铜的一种,白卡是指250克以上的单铜
  • 190-450克肯定是单铜
  • C1S art paper or C1S art board

C2S (Two side coated board) 双粉咭/双铜纸

  • CCNB (Clay Coated News Back) 灰底白板纸板
    • 正面白色,比较平整光滑,底面灰色,中间灰色,挺度较好,价格便宜,适用于食品,药品,玩具等产品包装。
    • 在南方广东一带称为“粉灰咭”,是一种用循环回收材料制作而成的带灰质涂料的硬纸板
    • 单粉纸,可以是粉灰卡(CCNB,单面涂布,一白一灰),规格从210gsm到450gsm左右
  • CCKB (Clay Coated Kraft Back) 牛底白板纸板
  • CCWB (Clay Coated White Back) 白底白板纸 / 白底灰芯纸板
    • 正面白色,比较平整光滑,底面白色,中间灰色,挺度较好,价格适中,适用于食品,药品,电子产品等产品包装
  • 1200 gsm = 2 mm
  • 900 gsm = 1.5 mm

白芯 = white liner

灰芯 = grey liner

1pt = 0.0254mm

18pt CCNB 意思是 400g 灰底白板纸,厚度 0.4572mm
20pt CCNB 450g

In China, the thickness of the paperboard is measured in milimeters, while point is used in USA, which is abbreviated to pt. The formula below can be used for the conversion of the 2 units.

1 inch = 25.4mm = 1000 pt.

1 pt = 0.0254mm

For example, 60pt = 60*0.0254mm = 1.524mm. The 60pt chipboard in USA refers to the 1.5mm greyboard in China, which is very ideal for the small rigid paper boxex. When you need a strong rigid box, 80pt chipboard can be used, which is 2mm thick greyboard in China.

GSM (grams per square meter) is the metric system;s universal measure for paper weight

Foil paper: gold / silver

单坑(B-坑/E 坑)Single Corrugated

双坑 Double Corrugated

面纸 outer liner

芯纸 inside liner

瓦楞芯纸 Medium

双胶纸:wood free paper

楞型 flute type

表面处理:coating / surface finishing

UV 油: UV Varnishing

局部UV油: Spot UV Varnishing

光胶 Opp Lamination

哑胶 Matt Lamination

吸塑油:Blister Varnish

光油:Gloss Varnish

哑油: Matt Varnish

局部印油:Spot Varnish

烫金:foil stamping


彩盒:color box

天地盒:top and base or box with top and bottom lid

裁形 die-cut

套印不准 out of register

平版印刷:offset printing

制版 plate making / make-up

亮光膜 glossy film

亚光膜 matte film

覆光膜 glossy lamination

覆亚膜 matte lamination 


