7 am, wake up
7:35 am - 8:20 am, on the way from my home to KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital.
8:30 am, Premier Screening & Wellness Centre open.
The nurse measured my weight and height. RM 6 cash voucher for breakfast was given to me by nurse.
8:45 am, went to Room 54 to get number for chest X-Ray, blood screening & ultrasound.
8:50 am, I do the chest X-ray.
9:10 am, the nurse taking blood sample from me.
Remark: the report for Blood & Urine Screening will be ready after 3 hours of taking sample
9:30 am, let the doctor do the ultrasound for me.
After ultrasound, I provide my urine sample for testing.
9:40 am, went to room 2-02 to get approval for treadmill.
9:55 am - 10:22 am, went to room 50 to do the stress test (treadmill).
10:25 am, eating late breakfast at hospital. I eat 3 pcs of durian bites, which cost me RM 5.90 (pay by RM 6 voucher).
10:29 am, eat Nasi Lemak Rendang (RM 13.80) at below of Premier Screening & Wellness Centre.
After breakfast, I collect my report for ultrasound and chest x-ray at Room 54.
12:10 pm, I went to room 2-02 to see my consultant physician, Dr Diong Kok Hui.
12:29 pm, go to in-front clinic to pay RM 584.45 for the health screening fees.
12:40 pm, parking fee at hospital is RM 5.
地址:100, Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3, Taman Sutera Utama, 81300 Skudai, Johor.
价钱:一个人头,RM 39
价钱:一个人头,RM 39
Date: 26 October 2019, Saturday
Weather: Raining
Venue: OneRiimba Garden View Residence (No 1, Jalan Indah 12/8, Taman Bukit Indah, 79100 Nusajaya, Johor)
Time: 4 pm - 5:30 pm, brief introduction about NATSUM and Brief introduction of each department
Weather: Raining
Venue: OneRiimba Garden View Residence (No 1, Jalan Indah 12/8, Taman Bukit Indah, 79100 Nusajaya, Johor)
Time: 4 pm - 5:30 pm, brief introduction about NATSUM and Brief introduction of each department
时间:10 am - 12:15 pm
地点:皇后天圆中心(171A, Jalan Perwira 8, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Skudai, Johor)
地点:皇后天圆中心(171A, Jalan Perwira 8, Taman Ungku Tun Aminah, Skudai, Johor)
Went to Malacca to attend 佩瑩 ROM
5:15 am, wake up.
6:45 am, travel from JB to Malacca.
6:58 am, Kempas toll = RM 2.10
7:51 am, went to Machap R&R Petronas to pump petrol.
9:08 am, Skudai to Ayer Keroh, toll = RM 24.80
9:40 am, eating late breakfast at KEDAI KOPI LONG HIANG COFFEE SHOP 隆香茶室
10 am, walk to 马六甲兴安天后宫婚姻注册局 to attend my wife's friend ROM.
12 pm - 1 pm, lunch at Modern World Restaurant 华苑食坊 (No. 12, Jalan KSB 1, Taman Kota Syahbandar, 75200 Melaka)
After lunch, went to Madam King's (Kampung Jawa, 75100 Melaka) to buy popiah.
Then, went to 裕发 JOO HUAT (6, Jalan Kampung Hulu, 75200 Melaka; TEL: 2843782) to buy Nyonya dumpling 娘惹粽 (RM 6 / pcs)
7 pm, dinner st RESTORAN LONG LAI WAT (HUAT KEE) 发记海鲜餐馆 (RM 59).
6:45 am, travel from JB to Malacca.
6:58 am, Kempas toll = RM 2.10
7:51 am, went to Machap R&R Petronas to pump petrol.
9:08 am, Skudai to Ayer Keroh, toll = RM 24.80
9:40 am, eating late breakfast at KEDAI KOPI LONG HIANG COFFEE SHOP 隆香茶室
10 am, walk to 马六甲兴安天后宫婚姻注册局 to attend my wife's friend ROM.
12 pm - 1 pm, lunch at Modern World Restaurant 华苑食坊 (No. 12, Jalan KSB 1, Taman Kota Syahbandar, 75200 Melaka)
After lunch, went to Madam King's (Kampung Jawa, 75100 Melaka) to buy popiah.
Then, went to 裕发 JOO HUAT (6, Jalan Kampung Hulu, 75200 Melaka; TEL: 2843782) to buy Nyonya dumpling 娘惹粽 (RM 6 / pcs)
7 pm, dinner st RESTORAN LONG LAI WAT (HUAT KEE) 发记海鲜餐馆 (RM 59).
- 滑蛋河(吃),RM 7
- 滑蛋河(打包),RM 7
- 鱼肉米粉,RM 15
- 油菜,RM 8
- 佛手satay sotong,RM 18
- 4杯罗汉果,RM 4
Info: Tangkak to Skudai, toll = RM 21.20
Went to Singapore
10:14 am, reach JB Sentral.
10:22 am, reach JB CIQ.
10:25 am, took CW 1 bus from JB CIQ to Kranji MRT station. Bus fare is RM 1.50
Then, took MRT from Kranji to Bukit Gombak.
11:45 am, reach my wife places. Eating lunch there. My lunch is curry chicken and 大菜锅.
After lunch, took MRT from Bukit Gombak to Tampines. Then, took public bus to 慧芳 house.
~~~Raining~~~ Took public bus back to Tampines MRT station.
5 pm - 5:35 pm, took MRT from Tampines to Bugis.
5:45 pm - 7:30 pm, eating dinner at The Masses, Singapore.

8 pm, took MRT from Bugis to Kranji. Then, took 170x bus from Kranji MRT station to JB.
9:50 pm, took Masai bus from JB Sentral to Seri Alam, bus fare is RM 3.40
10:22 am, reach JB CIQ.
10:25 am, took CW 1 bus from JB CIQ to Kranji MRT station. Bus fare is RM 1.50
Then, took MRT from Kranji to Bukit Gombak.
11:45 am, reach my wife places. Eating lunch there. My lunch is curry chicken and 大菜锅.
After lunch, took MRT from Bukit Gombak to Tampines. Then, took public bus to 慧芳 house.
~~~Raining~~~ Took public bus back to Tampines MRT station.
5 pm - 5:35 pm, took MRT from Tampines to Bugis.
5:45 pm - 7:30 pm, eating dinner at The Masses, Singapore.

8 pm, took MRT from Bugis to Kranji. Then, took 170x bus from Kranji MRT station to JB.
9:50 pm, took Masai bus from JB Sentral to Seri Alam, bus fare is RM 3.40
- 找到更美好的生活及體驗,因為大多數美好的事情都是在舒適圈以外(比如登山旅行、交到女友或者變成有錢人都是在舒適圈以外的)
- 任何領域的高手或者成功人士都是敢於踏出舒適圈
- 為了讓自己的人生突破,找到自己,挖掘你的潛能
- 讓自己成為領導者,具有影響力
- 體驗你沒有體驗過的人事物
- 經歷過一些事情,因此此生無憾
- 因為沒有想過,已經重複機械式的生活很多年
- 因為目前的生活太舒服,不想改變
- 怕吃苦,懶惰,拖延
- 害怕失敗,怕吃虧
- 害怕被人嘲笑,在意別人的眼光
- 思考格局侷限了自己
- 不舒服!
- 不習慣,有時候沒有方向
- 不確定甚麼時候才看的到成績
- 會經歷一些挫折及失敗
- 有時候會自我懷疑
- 健身
- 給自己打造全新好看的形象(買衣服)
- 閱讀
- 上課學習
- 單獨背包旅行/ 環遊世界
- 學習新的技能
- 換個新的城市居住
- 換工作
- 創業
- 搭訕
- 交女友
- 加入有價值的社團
- 成為influencer/ 網紅
- 成為digital nomad / 數位遊民
- 成為頂級運動員/ 才藝出眾的人
- 學習外語
- Working holiday
- 培養新的愛好比如衝浪、游泳、攀岩
- 做銷售
- 被拒絕(各種各樣的拒絕,尤其是搭訕及銷售)
- 早起床(比如6am)
- 跟漂亮女生說話
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