
Travel from JB to Tangkak

Toll Fare:

  • RFID at Kempas toll, toll fare is RM 2.10; cash back RM 0.42 (Remark: 1st time using RFID)
  • Toll fare from Skudai to Yong Peng (Selatan) is RM 11.10 (Remark: 1st time using Smart Tag)
  • Toll fare from Yong Peng (Utara) to Tangkak is RM 9.70
12:13 pm, eating lunch at Yong Peng (RM 15.50).
元延正宗鱼丸 Yuan Yean "The Original Fishball" Fishball Eating House at 122A-123, Main Rd, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor.

After lunch, buy some fishball, 叉烧包 and 福州饼.

Dinner at my gf's parent house, eating steamboat.

After dinner, first time go to Tangkak's pasar malam.


