


1:26 am, 大舅打电话通知老妈,说大姨去世了

老妈在隔壁楼上房间外跌倒,头后面撞到地上流很多血,头后面大概有 5 cm 长度的伤口。老妈跌倒后可能有短暂的晕倒。


1:32 am,老妈打电话给老爸。老爸叫我起床,说要送老妈去医院。老妈此时还在清醒状态,只是是行动不便,要坐在轮椅。去医院前,老爸把地上的血迹清理干净,才出发去医院。

3 am, father and me bring mother to emergency department at HSI waiting to see doctor.

5:40 am - 7:20 am, sleep at mother car at HSI

7:20 am, mother just went to see emergency department's doctor

7:32 am, went to do CT scan of the brain and x-ray of mother buttock as buttock painful after the fall.

7:40 am, I eating breakfast alone outside HSI, eating maggi goreng ayam & teh tarik, RM 10.80

8:13 am, now doing X-ray on hip first, then have to wait for CT scan on head

8:17 am, X-ray completed, waiting for CT scan

8:24 am - 8:44 am (20 minutes), took Grab from HSI nearby to Seri Alam house, RM 14 

8:29 am, now doing CT scan on the head

8:37 am, mother just finished CT scan of head and x-ray of buttock. Back to emergency department tp review radiological report.

8:54 am, they put probes around heart region, test

8:56 am, haven't stitch the wound on mother head

10:49 am, mother done stitching now

11:12 am, mother get medicine, then can go. 5 stiches

Stiches removed on 8/7/2024


